First meeting of partner entities

The six partners of the Barbanza Ecosocial Laboratory are meeting in Rianxo to start a new phase of the project, with the support of Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO).

27 February 2024 — After the resolution of the call for forest bioeconomy projects of Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO) in which the proposal of the Barbanza Ecosocial Laboratory was selected with a grant of almost 2 million euros, the project enters a new phase with the aim of becoming the catalyst for a resilient and sustainable transformation in the Barbanza peninsula.

The first meeting of partner entities, which took place in the auditorium of Rianxo, marks the beginning of this new stage. They are part of the project selected by Fundación Biodiversidad as partners and participated in the meeting: 

Fundación RIAproject coordinating partner and responsible for partnership governance and communication

Plataforma pola Defensa do Monte and the common land communities of Araño, Campelo, Isorna, Leiro, O Fieitoso de Taragoña, Paradela; in charge of sustainable land planning and management

Universidade de Santiago de Compostelathrough the groups HISTAGRA, for the evaluation of sustainability in community management and collective energy use, and UXAFORES, for soil regeneration and carbon sequestration

Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla, in charge of assessing sustainability in community management

Fundación Montescola, in charge of community foresight, volunteering and environmental education activities

Concello de Rianxo, as the entity responsible for the training workshop programme and in support of the coordination

This first meeting under the umbrella of the Fundación Biodiversidad call marks the start of two years of actions that will promote multifunctional management and collective land management in Barbanza, promoting biodiversity, the circular economy and the creation of green jobs.

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