The Laboratory launches its recruitment platform

The Barbanza Ecosocial Lab launches a contracting platform with the aim of strengthening the local economy of Barbanza and facilitating the transparency of the project.

10 March 2024 —  The Barbanza Ecosocial Lab considers the recruitment of different professional profiles by the partner forest communities, such as livestock farmers or workers in the product transformation centre, as well as the subcontracting of numerous forestry service packages, such as pruning, pruning or planting. A new section on the Lab’s website will serve as a recruitment platform and job board, allowing different candidates to bid for the advertised positions or jobs.

All the details of the offers and the indications for the submission of proposals can be consulted through the following link: Plataforma de contratación – Laboratorio Ecosocial do BarbanzaThis page will be updated periodically to include new opportunities, which will also be advertised through the Laboratory’s social networks.

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